
Business Person and Grand Rapids Native Clifford McClain
Business Person and Grand Rapids Native Clifford McClain

Mr. Clifford McClain is originally from Grand Rapids, but relocated to North Carolina. He is the owner and CEO of Regenerative Community Builders, which is a 501©3 that is now accepting tax contributions for a film project by Grand Rapids native and independent film maker Dante James. In this interview with the GR Times he discusses his roots in Grand Rapids, the challenges he faced as a minority business owner, supporting a film project and more.

  • The Grand Rapids Times
  • October 29, 2021
Black Bold & Beautiful
Black Bold & Beautiful

During the COVID-19 pandemic and shutdown, our nation and world looked upon issues of race and inequity with renewed resolve. Grand Rapids Civic Theatre used the time and space provided by the pandemic to do some "soul searching" as an organization, and asked our community partners what we could do with our platform to raise the voices of those who aren't historically represented in our space. One piece of feedback we received is that the most important thing we can do is to use the stage and our platform to help tell the stories of marginalized groups. Black, Bold, and Beautiful was born from this intention.

  • The Grand Rapids Times
  • October 22, 2021
Le Dîner en Blanc Comes To Grand Rapids
Le Dîner en Blanc Comes To Grand Rapids

With international travel on hold for most of 2021, Le Dîner en Blanc sent participants on an uplifting holiday in our own city, thus making them feel like they were on vacation in the south of France! The festive and community feel of this long-standing French picnic tradition will not change even though, the number of guests attending was limited. And as always, the location remained secret until the last minute.

  • The Grand Rapids Times
  • September 24, 2021
Meet Up At The Park
Meet Up At The Park

Free Food, Games, Dance Competition and DJ at MLK Park on Thursday, August 12, 2021

  • The Grand Rapids Times
  • August 20, 2021

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