Black History Train "The Body You Save May Be Your Own"

  • The Grand Rapids Times
  • June 21st, 2024

Part I

Dearest, GodJesusHolySpirit, thank you for the mercies that you have shown us even when we do not deserve them. Thank you for our wonderful bodies that move, we can smell, taste, see, talk, feel and our brains can do all things. We are truly grateful on this wonderful day 6/29/23 in our town Grand Rapids, Michigan. When you created us, you had a plan in mind, just what you wanted us to be. The right shape and color, which includes our skin and eyes and the shape of our nose.

Our beautiful lips and pearly white teeth hide the powerful tongue that can speak sweet words like honey. However, in a twinkling of an eye will curse, using words that it cannot take back. Before we go every body is not fully developed, some suffer pain or spend a lifetime relying on the help of other bodies . In spite of their calamity, you have never left anybody alone. You are always there, even when the body becomes old and the bones rub against each other, the muscles refuse to lift the legs to stand.

That is when you become our "walking stick, holding onto us with your righteous right arm to keep us from falling! Despite all of your blessings, we have many complaints about our wonderful bodies and when we look in the mirror, we refuse to admit it but some bodies would like to change some things like: why is my sister's hair longer than mine? Cleopatra has a beautiful nose, clear skin, small feet and beautiful eyes. Some men are 6 feet tall champions with the ball. Either our breasts are too small or our behinds are too big. Some bodies are too short, too tall, hair is nappy or bald. We are never happy, no matter how many wigs, eyelashes we glue on or wear the designers latest style, it is never enough, we need more, more and more, even if we cannot close the door! We cry out "God,Jesus,HolySpirit, Help us to be satisfied with this one body you have blessed us with, please save our souls!"

Next week, How to care for our bodies.

"You see the soul & body you save may be your OWN".

Keep breading the Grand Rapids times newspaper!

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