Do What's Right Or What's Politically Expedient
We are often confronted with do what's best for me, or do the right thing! Sometimes those two things are not one in the same and that makes the decision difficult. If you are looking short - term and small picture, you look out for you. If you're looking long - term and big picture, with regards to something bigger than you, your choice could cost you personally.
That's the dilemma Democrats find themselves in regarding this current President.
Impeaching Tony Soprano, I mean Agent Orange, could backfire on the Dems because the Republican - led Senate would not convict their boy.
This is the concern of House Leader, Nancy Pelosi and this is why she is reluctant to begin impeachment proceedings.
That is the short - term, small picture view that is self - serving to Democrats.
If that's the short - term small picture, what does the long - term big picture look like?
In my opinion, it looks like this.
This dictator - in - training, whose racist, unethical, and often criminal behavior has been – and continues to be – a detriment to this country and an embarrassment to the highest office in the land.
He has conducted himself and his White House like a King sitting on a throne, above criticism and, most scary of all, above the law! If he goes unchecked, what message does this send to future Presidents regardless of party?
Winning the 2020 Presidential election is important to the Democrats and frankly to the nation and the world. What's more important is that integrity, decency, and competence be restored to the Oval Office and to "Make America Sane Again".
America and what the founding fathers had in mind for this country are under assault by this White House on a daily basis.
Our democratic institutions are being tested today like they have never been tested before and that is why the American people in 2018 spoke and said enough! They spoke by flipping the House of Representatives and giving the Democrats the majority to reign in this Orange Mad Ivan.
The people gave Dems the power to place checks on this guy, so why are they scared to do so? Even some Republicans are wondering the same thing.
Senator Neely Kennedy (R - LA) said this of Democrats regarding impeachment, "Urinate or get off the pot!"
That is a sentiment that is widely shared by many. Robert Muller in his report, laid out a road map for congress to follow regarding the way to impeaching this President.
Congress, specifically the Democrats, need to understand there is more at stake here than just winning an election, that which "IS" America is on the line!
What if Obama sided with Kim Jong Un over Dick Cheney, an American former Vice - President? The Orange - One did! What if Obama had hired his family as part of his staff in roles they were not qualified for? The Tangerine Tyrant did!
What if Obama had a hotel down the street from the White House with his name on it for people to stay at while here for state business? The Mango Menace does!
Just these three things alone bring into question the issue of his loyalty to America, nepotism and violating the Emoluments Clause. Over the past two years or so, this guy has more than supplied the congress with enough things to find him guilty of criminal activity. Had 45 NOT been the President he would be in handcuffs!
While collusion between 45 and Russia did not take place, Russia influenced our 2016 Presidential election to help his Orangeness win. In a statement 45 said, "I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected."
That sounds like an admission that the Russians played a role in why he is in Oval Office to me, what do you think? He later tried to walk that statement back, but we heard him tell the truth for once. We know Russia helped you Donnie, so chill!
There is so much that is wrong with this guy being the leader of our nation that time and space do not permit me to expound on them. The Democrats have a choice to make, do what's good for you or do what's right for the country.
Nancy Pelosi is concerned about fallout from an impeachment that would die in the Senate, What about fallout from not impeaching? House Leader Pelosi said, "Nothing is off the table, but we do want to make such a compelling case, an iron - clad case, that even the Republican Senate, which at the time, seems to be not an objective jury. Which will be convinced of the path that we have to take as a country".
Speaker Pelosi is playing the long game. She wants the hearings, subpoenas and investigations to play out first, then entertain the idea of impeachment. There's only one problem with her logic, 45 and his cult followers are ignoring government subpoenas per the instructions of the Criminal - In - Chief!
Doing what's right sometimes is not easy; doing nothing is worse! It sends a message to the perpetrator that you can keep doing what you're doing without consequences. As a result of this administration's constant disregard for the rule of law, the voices of Democrats are growing in favor of impeachment. Speaker Pelosi has her hands full trying to keep her party focused and on the same page, but this White House makes it difficult.
Senator Cory Booker said, "Clearly in this case I think the right above and beyond the politics of it, is that we do what the framers intended which was to have oversight over the executive because no one is above the law".
Former Rep. Beto O'Rourke said, "If we want to prevent this from happening again to our democracy, we have to hold those responsible accountable and the only method that we can do that is for our Representatives in congress to begin impeachment proceedings".
What's right versus what's expedient? Is there really a choice? Justin Amash placed country above party and that took guts! But should it? Being an American and doing the right thing for America should be an easy choice; but unfortunately for some it is not.
Don't wait too long Dems to do what you've got to do.
Remember why you won the House!
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