Matt Lohr Says His Health Is His Wealth
About four years ago Matt Lohr found out that his uncontrolled high blood pressure had led to his having a stroke.
"I woke up in the morning to go to work, started walking around my apartment and fell," said Lohr. "I had no feeling or strength at all in my right leg or my right arm."
He said he was shocked and that he was not sure what was going on at the time.
"I messaged my leg for a while and I was able to stand and walk pretty normally. I went to work and people kept asking me if I was okay and I would tell them, "Yeah, I am fine. I have a little cramp in my leg but I will be fine."
The next morning, after getting out of bed, he had the same problem with walking.
"I got out of bed and had the same problem walking again, but it was a lot worse this time. I messaged my leg, but this time I couldn't put any weight on it at all. I got dressed, left to go to work and I literally had to hold on to the railing as I was walking down the stairs."
He happened to be working for a hospital at a remote location at an off - site clinic that day. Again people were looking at him and asking if he were okay. As before, Matt told inquirers that he was fine except his leg was not feeling well and that he just needed some rest.
"There were a couple of doctors who asked if I was alright because they said I wasn't looking good and told me that I needed to go home and get some rest," said Lohr. "One of the doctors then looked at me and said, 'You're having a stroke '. I had no idea what he was talking about but the doctor also told me that I needed to go check into a hospital immediately."
Matt then called his supervisor and informed him that the hospital was not letting him work because one of the doctors claimed that he was having a stroke, so he decided to check himself into the hospital and see what all of the fuss was about.
"So I went to the hospital and they ran several tests on me but I noticed that they were not telling me anything. One doctor came and informed me that the tests showed that my blood pressure was extremely high and wanted to know if I was having heart problems or chest pain and I told them no. They then explained to me that the problem with my right leg and arm was due to heart problems. After doing an ultra - sound, CAT scans and other tests,the doctor told me that I had at least one stroke."
Matt was determined to get back on his feet after going through rehab to get his right leg and arm working normally.
After being released from the hospital he continued to take his high blood pressure and heart medicine, and changed his diet. Unfortunately, months later, he started not taking his medicine and slacking on his diet and exercise.
"I ended up in the hospital again for about two weeks, but I am now taking my health seriously," said Lohr. "I listen to people who are trying to help me healthwise, because I understand that without my health, I have nothing."
He went on to say, "I now pay attention to what I eat, especially staying away from salt, fast food, and other foods that I know are not good for me."
"I also take my medicine as prescribed and I exercise at least two to three times a week, so I have gotten my weight under control and my blood pressure is lower and controlled. I now understand that my wealth is my health."
Matt Lohr is a former Grand Rapids resident who has relocated to the Washington D.C. / Maryland area.
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