DJT, Is Not Even Close To WWJD
As Christians gathered this past Easter Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of Christ, former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, made a statement.
Bachmann was recently on a Christian Radio Show called, "Understanding the Times", hosted by Jan Markell. On this show, she said she has never seen a more "Godly and highly Biblical President" than the Orange - One.
This is not a mis - print, that's what she said. Keep in mind, this is Michele Bachmann, she made Edith Bunker look like a nuclear physicist. This is what she had to say.
"I will say to your listeners, in my lifetime, I have never seen a more Biblical President than I have seen in Donald Trump. He has so impressed me in what he has done, and we haven't even talked about Israel. What he has done to advance Israel. So, he is highly Biblical and I would say to your listeners we will, in all likelihood, never see a more Godly, Biblical President again in our lifetimes. So, we need to be not only praying for him, we need to support him, in my opinion, in every possible way that we can."
Did you get all that? Is she hearing and seeing the same man we are? WOW!
Okay, he's a "Godly, Biblical President" according to Ms. Bachmann, right? Let's see how he measures up to basic Christian principles "Godly men" should represent, like the Ten Commandments and such.
This should be easy for a man who referred to Second Corinthians as "Two Corinthians" and when asked to give his favorite Bible verse, couldn't name one.
Jesus said, "Suffer little children to come unto me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
He said nothing about separating them from their parents and putting them in cages. I don't see the same mindset here, do you? Maybe we will with the Ten Commandments.
1. You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me
The dollar is his god.
2. You Shall Not Make Idols
From airplanes, to hotels, to golf courses, TRUMP on everything, idols to him from him.
3. You Shall Not Take The Name Of The Lord Your God In Vain
From pre - campaign, to campaign, to the White House, no President has used profanity more in public than him in my lifetime.
4. Remember The Sabbath Day, To Keep It Holy.
He steps into a church when he wants to create a photo – op.
5. Honor Your Father And Your Mother.
If being a liar, a cheat and a racist are forms of honoring your parents, then he has done that.
6. You Shall Not Murder.
He hasn't done that yet to my knowledge, but he thinks he could get away with it.
7. You Shall Not Commit Adultery.
Well, we all know how he stacks up on this one, don't we!
8. You Shall Not Steal
He's been stealing from the moment he began breathing, ask people who have worked for him.
9. You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor.
He has lied over 9,000 times and counting, in the two plus years he has been in the White House. Source - The Washington Post.
10. You Shall Not Covet
He always wants the biggest land deal, the tallest building or the next pretty woman that catches his eye.
Well, there you have it, does this man fit the profile of a "Godly, Biblical President to you? Read the Mueller Report!
Here's the thing, white evangelicals like Michele Bachmann, are all in when it comes to Agent Orange. The reason being, they see in him a way to get what they want — which is overturning Roe V Wade. That would be the ultimate feather in their cap and 45 is a way to accomplish that as they see it.
So, you see, he can do anything and all will be forgiven because he can give them what they want!
Forget Christian principles and teachings in this Easter Season, politics means more than the pulpit.
That is why white evangelicals, like Michele Bachmann, are willing to forgo their "Christian Faith" for that reason.
You can debate the abortion issue and if it's right or wrong; but what is not up for debate is the character of DJT (Donald John Trump).
My grandfather told me when considering how much stock to put into what someone says, is to consider the source.
In this case it's Michele Bachmann so enough said if you know this woman. This is one example of the many head - scratching things she has said, "Lady Liberty and Sarah Palin are lit by the same torch." Case closed.
I wasn't trying to take you to church, but she made a statement and I just wanted to compare the man to the principles of the Christian faith she says he emulates.
Upon examination in my opinion, he has been weighed, and found wanting. I am not a perfect man and I'm not judging another imperfect man, but when falsehoods are made, you, me, we all have to call them out!
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