Impeach 45 And Get Pence?

  • The Grand Rapids Times
  • March 22nd, 2019

When you get rid of something because it's bad or not working, you do so with the intent of replacing it with something better that does work, right? Replacing a horrible choice with a bad choice is still not a good choice in my opinion. That's like getting off the Titanic and getting on the Lusitania. If you are not familiar with the Lusitania, Google it. Impeaching the Orange - One would put us in that situation and Mike Pence is not a desired solution to the problems at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Don't get me wrong, 45 is so bad that he makes me miss George W. Bush; so if ever a President needed to be impeached and imprisoned, it's Agent Orange.

His acceptance of White Supremacist words and deeds is no secret, nor is his unwillingness to publicly condemn White Nationalist's acts of terror like the one in New Zealand.

When asked about the White Nationalist in New Zealand, The Orange - One said, "White Nationalists are a small group of people, I don't see them as a rising threat."

Studies since 2016 paint a different picture not just in America, but world - wide.

White Supremacy, Nationalism — whatever you want to call it — is on the rise globally.

From Sept. 12, 2001 to 2016, 73% of attacks on U.S. soil have been carried out by far –r ight extremists. That's in contrast to 27% of attacks on U.S. soil committed by Islamic extremists.

He doesn't want to see it because White Supremacists make up part, but not all, of his base. Everyone who voted for 45 is not a racist, but every racist voted for 45. Racists see in him a person sympathetic to their beliefs.

The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Arden said, "Our gun laws will change".

That's how a leader looks out for their people and not a special interest group, can you say NRA!

Having said that, I'm not convinced impeaching the Mango Menace is the way to go because of one thing — the guy who would replace him, mild - mannered Mike Pence. He would become the "Homophobe - In - Chief" with his hell - fire and damnation for persons in the LGBT community; but he would do it nicely.

Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Speaker of The House, has asked Dems to slow their roll, on impeachment talk, but some aren't following the script.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) says, "I lie awake at night thinking about impeaching Trump." And who can forget Freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and her spirited cry, (I'm keeping it clean) to go in and impeach the Tangerine Tyrant.

Tom Steyer, billionaire and founder of "Need to Impeach" said, "We have seen him more than meet the criteria to be impeached and we have seen the need for him to be impeached grow every single day. Should it be a priority of the House leadership to stand up for the Constitution and the American people? Absolutely, we are seeing a President who is out of control, who's reckless and lawless on a dangerous basis and he will continue to do it unless we stand up against him."

I agree with all that Mr. Steyer said, his Orangeness is a danger to our country and the foundations of our democracy, but Pence? There are voices speaking about not impeaching 45 other than Nancy Pelosi, among them being the former FBI Director, James Comey who said, "In a way I hope Donald Trump is not removed from office by impeachment because it would let the country off the hook. And it would drive into the fabric of our nation, a third of the people believing there was a coup. All of us should use every breath we have to make sure the lying stops January 20, 2021."

Do you see his point? Remove the Toddler - In - Chief from office and sure enough, right - wing pundits will be screaming foul. Remember, elections have consequences, that's why your vote and every vote, matters!

Okay, let's say Donald - Little - Hands gets impeached, take a good look at Mike Pence through the eyes of people who know and have dealt with him.

"Even some members of his own party who have known Pence a long time have questioned how the Bible - Studying Pence so easily aligned himself with a profane President who regularly calls people names and publicly mocks them." – USA TODAY How indeed? The actions and speech of 45 go against any teachings in the Bible that I'm aware of, regarding how a "Christian Man" is supposed to act. And if one professes to be a "Christian", does not this scripture speak to aligning one's self with a non - believer? If a man who claims to be a man of God prostitutes his faith in order to achieve political gain, (White Evangelicals) can you trust such a man? 2 Corinthians 6:14.

Just putting that out there!

Joe Biden said Pence was a "decent man" didn't he? Two authors who wrote a biography on Pence last year, "The Shadow President" had this to say. "Friends and foes say Pence's major character trait is "extreme niceness" according to Michael D'Antonio and Peter Eisner. In the book, the two men say Pence's "niceness" isn't passive. It's weaponized as a tool of persuasion and deflection."

He kills you with kindness and gets you off topic with his soft and low voice tone, you ever see him on those Sunday morning talk shows?

Cynthia Nixon, actor and a progressive, has peeped his hold card and says this. "The fact that Pence does vile, hateful things while well - coiffed and calm doesn't make him decent; it makes him insidious and dangerous. Respecting each other's rights and humanity is what makes us civilized - not keeping a civil tone while doing the opposite."

Girlfriend is right, speaking softly and smiling while you are stabbing me, doesn't make the stabbing hurt less!

Do you still want this guy?

Impeaching 45 will make him your next President, are you ready for that? One thing about Agent Orange, he is somewhat upfront with his craziness, racism, sexism and all the unfitness and lies that make him who he is.

Pence is undercover with his, and that makes him far more dangerous than the Dreamsickle Dunce. You can push to impeach 45, but understand what will be taking his place, a slicker con man with a smile - in - your - face - stab - you - in - the - back mentality with a Bible in his hand.

All the while Pence is speaking softly and smiling, he will be gutting programs for the poor, the working class, and minorities and especially the LBGT community with his policies.

In the words of James Comey one more time for emphasis, which I agree with, "All of us should use every breath we have to make sure the lying stops January 20, 2021." Let's hang on and ride this orange storm out.

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