• The Grand Rapids Times
  • July 15th, 2022
Jordan Peele, NOPE

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the editors' views or any agency, organization, or employer. Based on my experience, research and knowledge, my statements are in good faith and are only for informational purposes. Please research and follow up on all claims for yourself.

I recently saw an interview and the trailer for Jordan Peele's new movie NOPE. I am drawn into the hype about this film because I am a fan of Peele's movies and his overall body of work. I am surprised that the same man who was a part of the Key and Peele comedy series is also the brilliant brain behind movies like Get Out, US, and Nope. During the interview, Peele kept referring to his newest movie as an "absolute spectacle." The film does not come out until July 22nd, so we will see. Still, his description has me thinking about the word spectacle, how life is a spectacle, or how we look at and for sensational moments in our everyday lives.

A spectacle is described as "an event or scene regarded in terms of its visual impact." So, based on this description, I'm sure Nope will be full of striking displays and performances. Lately, however, we have not had to pay money to see dramatic productions with eye-catching moments that play on our emotions. It's all around "us." The mass media today is full of one spectacle after another. For example, the January 6th Hearings in Washington, DC, is a spectacle. Many of us have our eyes focused on the parade of witnesses affected by or a part of the attempt to overthrow our democracy. The Insurrection was a real-life drama, still being played on television and in our society daily.

To be honest, the word "spectacle" got my attention because I feel overwhelmed by all that is happening in our society today. Yes, I have been watching the January 6th Hearings. On top of that, I have tried to pay attention to everything around me: the mass shootings, the crime rate, the upcoming elections, voting rights, women's rights, and LGBTQ+ rights. All these things are spectacles, scenes, events, and views that grab our attention and make us watch. We are drawn to these things, which is why some of it happens. I am sure that some mass shooters do what they do to either live or die in infamy because they know that the media will cover it, and we will watch. At any rate, much news and information are broadcasted daily. Keeping up with what's happening in our society and personal lives can become mind-bobbling. My problem is that I tend to internalize everything, including things beyond my control, other people's issues, and global events. I keep my eye on the spectacles and always find a way to criticize myself about what I'm doing or not.

While the trailer for Peele's movie shows a spectacle of aliens and other strange happenings on a ranch in California, real life can also be a spectacle. I hope to use the title of this film to respond to myself when I feel overwhelmed. I want to say nope; you will not blame yourself for this, then lend on God for direction and assurance. I don't think this is what Jordan Peale meant when he said that Nope is a spectacle, but it is where my brain went. So, please go to see NOPE when it comes out; it is guaranteed to be a psychological thriller, as all of his films are.

Also, when we feel overwhelmed by life's spectacles, let's pray that God will allow us to come to terms with the things we cannot change, give us the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.


Sophia Brewer (M.L.I.S.) is Collection Development and Serials Librarian, Grand Rapids Community College; Co-President of the Greater Grand Rapids History Council; member of the Grand Rapids Study Club and serves on the Grand Rapids Public Library, Board of Library Commissioners (Elected 2016-2021). She is a former Head of Programs, Grand Rapids Public Library and former Branch Manager, Madison Square Branch, Grand Rapids Public Library Congresswoman

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