Sallie Calloway Celebrates 90th Birthday
Sallie Calloway recently celebrated her 90th birthday with relatives from her hometown of Newark, New Jersey, and from other cities all over the country.
They traveled to Grand Rapids and gathered on Saturday, March 14 and Sunday, March 15, 2020.
The group represented four generations that came to share her birthday festivities with her.
"It really wasn't a birthday party," said Calloway, the big party was when I turned 80 years old."
"My niece called a few of my relatives and they came in on Saturday and we had a nice luncheon at Red Lobster and then on Sunday, we had another gathering at Charlie's Crab and they all went back home on Monday."
She added, "I had some nieces come in from South Carolina, Virginia and Illinois. My nephew and his wife flew in from California and my Grand Rapids nephew Johnny Caruth and his wife Rita attended the gathering. I was very happy and honored to be have been able to spend time with them on my birthday plus a couple of days.
Sallie Calloway is a long time Grand Rapids resident who originally came to Grand Rapids in 1951 and found work at Dexter Lock.
"I got married and had my son Herbert in 1953," she said.
"I guess that Grand Rapids is where I decided to live — no special reason but it is just home to me."
The company eventually closed down and moved out of town. She then found work at Senior Neighbors, and was a long time Receptionist and Office Manager at the Grand Rapids Times.
Mrs. Calloway had open - heart surgery right after her 80th birthday and she continued to work for about a year before retiring and doing the things she likes to do.
"I enjoy going to the casino, spending time with friends and relatives, and I also enjoy reading and solving word puzzles, which keeps my brain active," she said.
Her secret to living to reach the age of 90 is quite simple.
"Keep God first, and keep on keeping on. Even though things may not be going well for you today, remember that tomorrow is the beginning of another day."
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