The Swamp Is Deeper And Bigger Than Ever Under 45

  • The Grand Rapids Times
  • July 5th, 2019

Washington D.C. and politics has long been a marriage of one hand washes the other, scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. It's always been a game of give and take. If you want something, you have to give up something.

What used to happen in Washington D.C. between politicians, Republicans and Democrats, is considered a dirty word now in present - day Washington D.C. The word is compromise!

Speaking of compromise, Joe Biden at a fund - raiser in New York on June 18th, spoke about how "we used to get things done." That sounds good on the surface, but you have to look at it deeper. Biden was trying to make the point that Republicans and Democrats in Congress used to work together in "the good - old - days" (good for who?) even with segregationists.

Biden stated, "He never called me boy. He always called me son." He being James Eastland who often spoke of blacks as being an inferior race! Joe, should be more aware than to draw on that as an example of working together with opposing political factions. And for the record, these politicians he was speaking of were members of his own party. And he didn't call you boy, Joe, because YOU were white not black; let's get that understood!

There have always been shady, racist politicians, but this White House has taken shady and racist to another level. They have gone past that right to unethical and criminal!

Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation and Mitch McConnell's wife, has drawn the ire of critics and government watchdogs. Secretary Chao's family owns a US - based shipping company with business ties to China.

While still working for the current administration, she has appeared with her father, James S.C. Chao, founder of the Foremost Group Shipping Company.

She has appeared in a photo shoot, an award ceremony and various media interviews that took place at the media center of the Department of Transportation which oversees the US shipping industry.

Her financial disclosures show she holds no stake in the Foremost Group. She and her husband, Mitch McConnell, have received millions from her family.

Kathleen Clark, a government ethics expert at Washington University in St. Louis said Chao's appearances with her father at Department of Transportation facilities, violate government ethics rules.

Ms. Clark further states, "She has used government office, her office title, her literal office in the Department of Transportation, to help her father and his business, I think this is a clear violation."

In any swamp there are gators who are not related and those who are related, here's one that is related by blood, Ivanka.

In October 2018 Ivanka Trump, Presidential Advisor and daughter of "Lord of The Lies", was approved for 16 new trademarks from the Chinese government. Her trademarks remain a potential conflict of interest as she continues to work on policy in the White House and meet with foreign leaders.

Three months prior, she said she was shutting down her brand. These trademarks are the largest number of new Chinese trademarks she has received in a single month since her father took office.

Coincidence? I think not! She also received renewals for two Russian trademarks in October 2016, a month before daddy was appointed President, (he didn't win the popular vote). I'm sure there's no connection, right?

What about Jared? Husband to Ivanka and son - in - law to the king of the swamp, what is he up to? Let's see. Jared Kushner, Senior Advisor to "The Art of The Steal" is a man of questionable character at best.

Greg Olear, of Medium Politics wrote in July of 2017 this.

"For all we know, Jared Kushner is the greatest threat to national security since Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Certainly, he should be viewed as such until we know for sure."

Mr. Olear had this to say about Jared 18 months later, "Kushner has shown nothing but contempt for the United States; violating its laws, lying to its law enforcement officials, and (possibly) selling its state policy for his own personal enrichment."

Now this next observation is my favorite — his use of personal email to conduct government business. Remember how this White House dogged Hillary for doing the same thing? Can you say hypocrisy?

The next gators that were in the swamp are not related and smaller in stature and importance, but gators just the same.

Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor, resigned because he lied to the Vice President and other things, Rob Porter, former White House Staff Secretary, resigned after domestic abuse allegations.

Tom Price, former Secretary of Health and Human Services, resigned following his misuse of private charters and military aircraft for travel. Scott Pruitt, former EPA Advisor resigned due to failure to carry out his duties faithfully. Gators, Gators, Gators! The swamp just keeps on growing.

Last but not least, the biggest gator of them all, Ole Orangey, the Mango Menace himself. There is so much swampiness surrounding this guy that it baffles the imagination how he got to be President!

He's been a crook in the New York Real Estate Business for decades, so much so, he couldn't get American banks to give him loans anymore. That's why he had to resort to foreign banks in Germany and Russia, to get loans, but at what price?

Michael Hirsh in December of 2018 wrote in, that Russian money helped save Trump's business.

"It remains unclear whether Trump's policies have been influenced by these past and in some cases ongoing business associations or by the President's awareness that Russian and other foreign capital helped revive his business career."

The Orange - One is up for reelection in 2020. Do we as a country really want this liar and con - man for a second term?

He talked about draining the swamp when he got to Washington, remember that?

You see how that has played out don't you?

Instead of draining the swamp, he made it deeper and wider than it has been since the days of President Warren G. Harding regarding the "Teapot Dome Scandal" during the 1920's which involved bribery.

Aren't we better than this?

More Gators and corruption, or men and women of integrity and honor? Which do you want?

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