Chess? Anybody Can Learn

  • The Grand Rapids Times
  • July 19th, 2019
Chess? Anybody Can Learn

Hello again. It is Gabe the soccer player coming to you this week as Gabe the chess player. I have been playing chess since I was 5 years old. I got my first information from the computer. My grandparents printed information about playing chess. I also played on the computer. In Chicago, my home town, my mom would take me to McDonald's where I watched older boys and men play chess. I played 1 game and surprisingly I won! Now I believed I could actually play. I received a chess set for Christmas when I was 6 years old. This chess set allows me to play against the computer inside the chess board. I learned about all the pieces and how they move on the chess board. When I turned 7, I actually beat the board! When I came to Grand Rapid in the Summer of 2017, I met two amazing men at Brown Hutcherson Ministries; Mr. Eddie Jenkins and Rev. James White. They were willing to play chess with this 7 year old boy. I learned what I did not know about chess from these men. I continued to study the game of chess. I know I am not a professional player, but I do believe I can teach others the game.

I prefer to start with older people like my grandparents. I want to visit old people's living facilities and community centers this Summer and then teach them. I hope I can visit at least 5 places. Maybe if they enjoy it and learn some of the game I could probably send this information to Guinness World Record as the first kid to teach a lot of old people how to play chess. I have not found anything in the records on this so far. After I have taught a class, I will play a game against one of the people I have taught and hopefully they will beat me. But I still want to win. In my next article I will show you some of the things I taught my older students. Stay tuned for my next article.

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