Community Weighs In On What To Look For In Next Police Chief

City Manager Mark Washington asked for residents and other community stakeholders to share their thoughts on what he needs to look for in the next police chief.
A total close to 100 turned out to do just that. The City and Public Sector Search & Consulting – the national recruiting firm leading the search process – hosted two community feedback sessions. The first was on Tuesday, Feb. 19 at City Hall; the second, on Wednesday, Feb. 20 at Wealthy Theatre, 1130 Wealthy St. SE.
Consultants asked attendees to provide feedback on the personal characteristics and professional experience that are most important for the person who leads the Grand Rapids Police Department.
Cedric Alexander, a former police chief and member of President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing who regularly appears on CNN, helped facilitate sessions.
Some of the attributes residence would like to see in the next police chief are:
• Humanity (Having a heart for the city)
• Culturally competent
• Believes in accountability
• Data driven
• Compassionate (understands the plight of the community)
• Promotes diversity in hiring "culture change"
• Approachable.
• Strong and Brave (will stand up to the Union of Police Officers)
• Serious about crime prevention.
• Communicates regularly with the community.
• Gives honest answers and is responsive.
• Truly a public servant.
• Will expand youth intervention policy.
• Will address and make getting guns on the street more difficult.
• Will help address mental health issues.
• Will Engage with communities of color
Consultants will gather and screen applications. The candidates will be presented to the City and interviewed by several panels. The panelists will provide critical feedback to the City Manager, who will make the appointment – expected this summer.
"Input from our neighborhoods and the community is critical to helping us select the right person," Washington said.
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