Equating 45 To King? Really!

  • The Grand Rapids Times
  • February 1st, 2019

"If that don't take the butter off the biscuit!" That's what my grandmother would say when something was astonishing or out there in left field.

Well, Grandma, hold on to your angel wings; The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is embodied in The-Liar-In- Chief. That's right, according to Republican pundits and supporters.

Talk about a stretch! That's like Andrew Jackson being called a friend to Native Americans! By the way, Agent Orange has been compared to Jackson because of his populist views as well.

Boris Epshteyn, Chief Political Analyst and former Trump Campaign Advisor and White House official, said this: "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. saw the good in this nation and that one day our country would not be divided. Let us work to remember and fulfill his dream — not just this week, but every day."

The nation celebrated Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on January 21st for his tireless efforts to make America uphold her decree that all men are created equal. That people should be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin.

Does the man in the Oval Office, reflect those principles? No, he does not! Just so you know, there was no "Official White House" celebration of MLK Day by this current administration. Rev. Al Sharpton called the Orange - One out on it and he went to the King memorial on the Washington Mall a placed a wreath. He stayed there all of 90 seconds. Yeah, he's like King alright!

Can you say photo - op? Vice President Pence speaking on Face the Nation said this. "The hearts and minds of the American people, they are thinking a lot about it being the weekend where we remember the life and work of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. One of my favorite quotes from Dr. King was, "Now is the time to make real the promise of Democracy."

You think of how he changed America, he inspired us to change through the legislative process to become a more perfect union. That's exactly what President Trump is calling on Congress to do, come to the table in a sprit of good faith.

We'll secure our border, we'll re - open our government." Mike Pence is excellent at being a lackey, isn't he! He only thinks and speaks what 45 tells him to. I would think that hand up his back moving his lips would start to become uncomfortable after two years. Did you see what Pence did there? "He inspired us to change through the legislative process to become a more perfect union, that's what President Trump is calling on Congress to do."

Pence tied the shutdown and the wall to being what Martin was about. I know, Grandma, that biscuit is butter-free now! Obviously, Vice President Pence has no clue as to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s views on building walls to separate people.

In Berlin, Germany at the "Berlin Wall" on September 13, 1964 Dr. King said: "For here on either side of the wall are God's children and no man - made barrier can obliterate that fact."

Dr. King was about building bridges between people, not walls, Mike Pence; and since you're so fond of Martin's quotes, try this one on for size and see if it fits: "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

Early in the column I quoted Boris Epshteyn saying how Dr, King had the hope that one day our country would not be divided. Boris, what do you think your boy is doing?

America is so divided now that you have to look at the time of the Civil War or the Civil Rights Era to see such a divide in the country. We haven't gotten to the point of where American is taking up arms against American, but the rhetoric is just as deadly to who we are as a nation as a bullet is.

This guy is not a unifying force, he is a polarizing, self - centered person who is President of the people who voted for him. He does not care about the people who didn't vote for him — some 65 to 70 percent of the country.

To equate 45 to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is beyond just being wrong, Martin cared about equality for all people while 45 cares about maintaining and holding on to the white status-quo and his own self-promotion.

If Dr. King were alive today, what would he think about children being separated from their parents? What would he say about children in cages crying for their mothers?

What would he think about this administration openly discriminating against the LGBT community?

Black voters having their vote suppressed or just plain not counted, — what do you think Martin would have to say about that?

These and many more racist and morally wrong things this White House has done and are doing, does not reflect Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Now, or ever!

Dr. King was not a perfect man. Like all men, he had flaws and short comings, but he rose above them as an ordinary man who went on to do extraordinary things.

45 does not have empathy for people and can't relate to people who struggle to pay a mortgage or rent. Dr. King fought for the working man right up to his assassination in Memphis, as he were there fighting for garbage workers getting better wages.

There is no comparison between the two men – plain and simple – so stop it Republicans!

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