Pimpin' The Oval Office

  • The Grand Rapids Times
  • January 18th, 2019

When a pimp puts a woman out on the block or in an up - scale apartment, it's done to benefit him in the long run. He needs an attention - getter like a well - groomed, well - dressed woman, regarding the ladies on the block.

Or he needs a fancy apartment with a woman who also has those same qualities as her sisters who are on the block.

He uses things to get what he ultimately really wants – money! Just as this pimp uses women to get him money, the Pumpkin Pimp in the White House used the sanctity of the Oval Office to not address a "National Crisis" on our Southern Border — as he would have us believe — but to help himself fulfill a campaign promise to his base. There is no "Terrorist Crisis" at the Southern border; more people on terrorist watch lists are caught at the Canadian border.

As for heroin, fentanyl and cocaine, 90 percent of those drugs are smuggled through ports of entry in vehicles with hidden compartments and false bottoms. No wall is going to stop that!

The only crisis at our Southern Border is a humanitarian crisis; one that this current administration has created itself.

As a result of not knowing how to get out of this mess, 45 asked the major networks for some air time to "address the nation" regarding the crisis at our Southern Border on January 8th.

As expected, he talked, but said nothing, a dumpster fire as usual when he opens his mouth.

30 percent of the country ate it up, the rest, not so much.

Opposition to this vanity wall is at 57 percent and climbing the longer this shutdown continues, remember Agent Orange said it's on him and I say let him claim it. You know the saying, "You break it, you bought it?" Well, my Orange friend, that's what you've just done. Not the Democrats, YOU!

Because things are in such a tailspin regarding funding for this wall Mexico is going to pay for, "The Stable Genius" does this — uses his office for personal political reasons disguised as alarms to the nation about border security.

He pimped the oval and treated his base like johns!

I reference his base because that's who he was talking to, the people who voted for him and his supporters.

Here is something I found interesting, shortly before he went on the networks to deliver his address, an email was sent out. It read as follows: "Friend, I will be addressing the nation tonight at 9 PM EST on the Humanitarian and National Security crisis on our Southern Border… We need to raise $500,000 in ONE DAY. I want to know everyone who stood with me when it mattered most so I've asked my team to send me a list of EVERY AMERICAN PATRIOT who donates to the Official Secure the Border Fund. Please make a special contribution of $5 by 9 PM EST to our Official Secure the Border Fund to have your name sent to me after my speech."

After he gave the speech, another email went out that stated: "Friend President Trump just finished his speech addressing our National Security Crisis on the Southern Border and explaining why he will NOT cave to Democrats… We sent him a list of all patriots who donated to our Official Secure the Border Fund and noticed your name wasn't on the list, Friend… Since you've been such a strong supporter and one of our greatest advocates for THE WALL, we decided to extend your deadline to get on the list."

Here is an important point: 45 is talking about how our Southern Border is being over run by terrorists, drugs and illegals right? How we need a wall to stop all that from happening right? Those two emails are asking for money to fund a wall at the Southern Border, right? WRONG!

These emails were sent with another purpose in mind — to fund 45's re - election! While the Pumpkin Pimp was putting the Oval out there on the block to get our attention for his purposes, this is what was really going on.

In the fine print on the first email it says, "The contributions are to the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, do you know what that is?

That's 45's re - election campaign committee for 2020! Did he not know his re - election committee was going to do this and lie to his supporters to get them to send him money for his re - election?

Or did he know full well what his committee was going to do and saw the opportunity to exploit the Oval office for his purposes? I've got to believe that not much goes on in 45's orbit that he is not aware of; so yeah, he used the White House. If any of you Trump supporters are reading this, wake up please!

The Orange - One has been telling us for months what a crisis we have at the Southern Border, right?

Jim Vandehei, Co - Founder and CEO of AXIOS, said these are the True American Crises since Oct. 16, 2018, the date of the first tweet by 45, talking about the "dangerous" caravan headed to our Southern Border from Central America.

"547 people shot, 120 killed in Chicago, 86 people killed in Camp Fire in Paradise, California, 255 American men killed by law enforcement since Oct. 16th. (how many are black? My words) 16,000 Americans have died of drug overdoses since October; suicide rates continue to climb despite a healthy economy. Seven U.S. military men killed in Afghanistan since Oct. 16th, the impacts of climate change."

Mr. Vandehei has a point; don't you think?

How long are we going let a pimp and a liar play us America? Can we as a nation survive another two years? I want to believe the answer is yes because we have no other choice but to hang on and ride out the storm. Is Pence a viable option? Keep your head up!

We'll get through it.

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