Michigan Republicans Trying To Pull A Fast One

  • The Grand Rapids Times
  • December 14th, 2018

President Obama once told us that elections have consequences and he was right. They afford the winner power — the power to implement their policies and visions for a city, state or country. Why? Because they won; simple as that.

Bridge Magazine.com notes that bills are now being considered in the Michigan House of Representatives in this lame duck session that would create a commission largely appointed by Republicans, this commission would have broad authority over schools. It would be a shadow State Board of Education that would not be accountable to the incoming governor, the elected State Board of Education, or the State Department of Education. Michigan Republicans are rushing to keep control of schools before the Democrats take over the Governor's office and the State Board of Education.

Adam Zemke (D - Ann Arbor) said, "Grabbing power away from the new Democratic administration is the whole plan."

He continues, "There are three weeks left in (Snyder's) term. And he is filling positions that would be filled through Whitmer's first term (the incoming Democratic Governor).

Zemke added, "It's hard to argue you're not doing it to take power away from the next individual."

The bills have flown under the radar in Lansing, with much of the media attention focused on Republican bills aimed at gutting minimum wage and paid sick leave and diluting the authority of incoming Democrats: Gov - elect Gretchen Whitmer, Secretary of State - elect Jocelyn Benson and Attorney General - elect Dana Nessel.

The danger of this newly formed "commission" , if passed, is that they would impact education in Michigan in grades K - 12. THEY would decide which schools are closed. THEY would decide what schools get extra money and how much classroom instruction students receive. "These bills basically strip the next governor of the ability to reform education," said a person involved in negotiations. "That's why we're jumping up and down over this. It's such a complete power steal from Whitmer that no one should be participating in this."

Casandra Ulbrich, Democratic Co - President of the state board, blasted the bills as a GOP attempt to usurp power from incoming Democrats. U;rich said, "After a failed attempt to outright eliminate the publicly-elected State Board of Education, some members of the legislature are now using the "lame duck" session to create a commission staffed with GOP appointees that will assume many of the powers of the SBE." (State Board of Education).

Ulbrich further states, "This is a blatant power grab and needs to be rejected. Every voter in this state should be outraged by what is happening in Lansing right now."

Rep. Tim Kelly, (R-Saginaw) is the sponsor of the bills. Kelly says, "The state board is not doing their jobs, it's time to move forward." Republicans hope to stack the commission with GOP appointees before Democrats take charge of the Governor's office and the state board in January.

The board now has an even 4 - 4 partisan split, in January that changes to a 6 - 2 Democratic majority. Do you see why Republicans are doing what they're doing before January?

On a side note, the Michigan Republicans are trying to get passed a law that blocks same- sex couples from adopting.

Attorney General - elect Dana Nessel, who is openly gay, said she might have a problem enforcing such a law if Republicans get this pushed through in the remaining weeks.

Does the fact that Dana Nessel, the state's top lawyer - elect is gay, have anything to do with this particular GOP backed legislation? Michigan is not the only state experiencing GOP, sour grapes, Wisconsin Republicans are trying to stage a coup of their own. According to Philip Bump, The Washington Post, "Republican leadership in that state's assembly called for a special session to enact new legislation - legislation explicitly aimed at handcuffing the incoming Democratic governor, among other things."

Republicans, what you can't honestly win, you cheat and steal to get! as in North Carolina).

Fair elections took place, elephant riders, and you LOST, GET OVER IT PEOPLE!

If Snyder and his crew have their way and this "commission" is put into power, guess whose schools will suffer?

Whose kids will be denied school supplies and updated books and classroom upkeep?

You already know, don't you?

With a GOP filled commission, let's be real. White schools will receive the lion's share of everything and the governor and the State Board of Education would be powerless to do anything about it.

As President Obama said, "Elections have consequences" and the consequence of this past election is Democrats won the state minions of the Orange One, and they will be in power, not you. You don't have to like it, but you better respect it because the people have spoke.

Got it?

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