Black History Train Big Mama Bell God's Paper

  • The Grand Rapids Times
  • April 5th, 2024

Dearest, God Jesus Holy Spirit God in three persons Blessed Trinity God Jesus Holy Spirit, (all in one God is the head of the trinity) we thank you for Jesus for choosing us to love, a generation who has not always put you first. There are times we cannot make it in this life we humble ourselves on our knees and cry, "Father God have mercy." Only a powerful, merciful , and loving God could listen to this world's every minute crying.

"Lord Jesus, have mercy"! Jesus you said in your word " I am the Good Shepard, God gave me these sheep and no one can take them out of my hand. I will lay down my life for my lost sheep no matter where they wander. I will seek until I find them and bring them back home."

Thank you Holy God, you came down out of heaven to save us by suffering and dying on the cross and shedding your redemptive blood for us! There have been times we all have become lost like that sheep in the Bible, finding ourselves deep in trouble with drugs, alcohol, mean spirits, greedy, being revengeful, jealousy, refusing to help others, we hold on to our grudges, too prideful to forgive, never satisfied, willing to curse any one out even if they are our own parents! We follow men who claim they know more than you and always looking for ways to find out if you exists. We have one thing in common with them and that is the grave. We blaspheme the Holy Spirit by not believing that you are God; the same Holy Spirit that lives in each one of us! You protect us when we feel alone and afraid, friends are few, and there are times when we just don't know what to do.

Dear Readers, I missed you last week, but I hope that each one of you are feeling great on this blessed day of Holy Week 3/31/21 in our town Grand Rapids Michigan. We are filled with sadness as Good Friday approaches for our Savor will suffer, bleed, and die for us. However, can you answer this question in your heart? WHAT HAPPENS SUNDAY MORNING? DID YOU SHOUT HALLELUJAH!!!

Come now Dear Readers with me, do you recall Big Mamma Bell, who was beaten by Master Hanley, because she had a paper with the name "God" written on it. The beating was brutal on her but she was allowed to rest for a few days before going back into the fields. What a shame.

Master Hanley , reminded her " slaves ain't suppose to read, but work! Thank goodness Maggie the young slave girl was there to tend to Big Mama Bell's wounds. A change came over Big Mamma Bell. You see she was always a good slave, honest to her master Hanley. For Many days her feet were swollen after working hard days in the fields, caring water, cooking the same mush over and over with nothing good to eat never enough, never! She thought just once about running away but then she asked God to forgive her for evil thoughts. But after master beat her and took her Gods' paper, she thought long and hard. Would God beat you until you bleed if he saw his name written on a paper? The question is what can a paper do? A change is coming! Keep reading GRT.

Myrna P. Granderson, RN Story teller Poet Producer and Director of Yellow Light Ensemble Acting Group

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